Updates 19th March 2007.
Dear All,
I hope you all enjoyed the little break we had! Anyway, just to update all of you guys on some issues, and also to remind you guys of whatever is happening and all alright?
Donations wise is going pretty smoothly, though I hope that everybody can help by asking your own family and friends for donations! I'm sure they'll be more than happy to offload their stuff to you, as long as it does not involve a dollar $ign!
Marketing seems to be going well under way, we have had promising responses from a certain possible key sponsor, which means we could save some money and all, perhaps! As for the subsequent exhibition, I believe YC will be updating me very soon on whether we are going to get the Bugis or Orchard spot for our exhibition! No matter what, well done! We're well on our way to getting huge exposure!
Bazaar is doing really fine, I'm sure all of you have read the emails and received the SMSes, so please adhere to your allocated timings, and it's going to be a huge blast. Last I heard, our bazaar is more than thirty-stalls strong! And kudos to the bazaar for coming up with a simple but effective poster eh (less the Pam Anderson one which was a bit... disturbing)!
Some stuff - please take your medical checkups! The form is already in the shared folders. If you do not know what's the password, I suggest you find out.
Good news also is that, we're very very close to starting construction for the daycare centre. Tricia has kindly spoken to the engineer, and we're able to begin construction with a so-called downpayment - of which should not be a problem once the bazaar concludes itself.
The other good news is that, Project Big Hands, Bigger Hearts has somehow been featured as a project with continuity and will be up for a certain exhibition on the 26th of April. For those who have finished exams then, I appreciate if you would kindly volunteer yourself to represent BHBH3 at the exhibition (because almost everyone has not finished). I will get more details on this, but insofar, I do know that it's some huge event where there're somehow ministers attending and all that. Will let you guys know soon!
(Marketing, please know how to get this info to our sponsors please, haha!)
That's it for now. And just to prepare you guys, there WILL be a meeting this Thursday, and I hope all of you will turn up for the sake of the Bazaar cell, so that we can do some quick briefings on what to do, etc.
The trip will be more or less from 16th May to 5th June (unless any super last minute thing occurs, which for now is no). For those who are traveling, or intend to travel, we need to have a list of your names. This is so that we can settle the air tickets and all that. For those of you who are still deciding, fret not. You have up till 1st April to confirm with me (or Nuanxin or Winnie) whether you will be heading back to Singapore from Manila on the 5th June, or if you are traveling elsewhere. Please note that you are responsible for booking your own flight out of Manila if the destination is not Singapore, and of course, the costs are your own as well. Remember, 1st April!
Alright, see you all!
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