Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Meeting 8th Feb 2007.

Location is again as usual, SR3, from 8pm.

Agenda is as follows:

1. Updates with regards to Vday sales from Qiaoling/Comm Heads
2. After-Action Reviews (AAR)
3. Improvement Discussions + Further Steps - specifically logistical
4. 10th February FLY Band Competition updates
5. Admin matters - retreat / students camp pre-ex updates
6. Any other matters

Again, the meeting will be as short as possible - I hope to conclude it within 2 hours or less this time. Please come down with your ideas or whatsoever with regards to what is present on the agenda.

Please be punctual. Thanks! :)

Those who REALLY cannot attend (again please have good reason), please inform either me or Nuanxin or Winnie.

See you all tomorrow.


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