Monday, February 05, 2007

A few new developments


Sorry (esp. to Qiaoling) for the late update, was sick for most of the weekend. Here are some new developments.

1. Chin wen (a student from engine fac) has linked up with us and would like us to help sell their handmade musical boxes. In appreciation, we will receive 15% of the amount of sales we accomplish. Chin wen will bring a batch of the musical boxes down on Monday for us to start selling at the booth together with the price list.
- Pls take note of the different prices of the different designs as they may look similar.
- note the musical boxes come in 4 different tunes: moonriver/ over the rainbow/ memory/ beauty and the beast
- Pls issue separate receipts for sales of the musical boxes (ie 2 receipts if someone buys flowers and a musical box)

2. In order to cut cost, we have decided to do away with our original plan of giving away free postcards as they will cost at least another 60 - 70 bucks. Jamie has checked that there has been no mention of it on bhbh3flowers website so far. Pls feedback if you foresee any problems.

3. Many customers have requested for a small card or msg to be sent together with their flowers. Foresee that we will need to provide these minicards since they are normally come with flowers sold outside too.
Winnie, can we purchase these from your mum's shop if they are not too expensive? If not we might have to make some on our own!


1 comment:

kanakamaoli said...

Music boxes sale has been put on hold. We will not be selling them this vday.

Ivan, please look into the DIY gift cards as discussed.