Thursday, January 18, 2007

First Official Meeting!

The first official meeting will be held this Thursday, 18th January 2007 from 8:00pm till 10:30pm. The location has already been disseminated through your email addresses, please check. (Well, it's actually today!)

The agenda for this meeting will include:

1. Introduction to members
2. Details of BHBH3 trip - including NGO details and fund details
3. Details of BHBH3 pre-trip fund-raising activities
4. Introduction to BHBH3 structure
5. Communications
6. "The Choice"
7. Break
8. The third-last item
9. Any other matters - settling weekly meetings
10. End and leave by 10:30pm (please stop me if I exceed this time)

As you all can see, we have quite a tight meeting today right? So please come on time alright! Don't be late! See you all!


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